
Module that defines SQL database classes in the GeocoderPL project

class db_classes.BDOT10K(kod_sektora, kat_budynku, nazwa_kart, stan_budynku, funkcja_budynku, liczba_kond, czy_zabytek, opis_budynku, powierzchnia, centr_lat, centr_long, bubd_geojson)

Bases: Base

Class that defines columns of “BDOT10K_TABLE”

__init__(kod_sektora, kat_budynku, nazwa_kart, stan_budynku, funkcja_budynku, liczba_kond, czy_zabytek, opis_budynku, powierzchnia, centr_lat, centr_long, bubd_geojson)

Method that creates objects from a class “BDOT10K”

  • kod_sektora – Code of the sector in which the building is located

  • kat_budynku – Type of building

  • nazwa_kart – Cartographic name of the building

  • stan_budynku – Condition of the building

  • funkcja_budynku – Function of the building

  • liczba_kond – Number of storeys in the building

  • czy_zabytek – Flag indicating whether a building is a historic building

  • opis_budynku – Brief description of the building

  • powierzchnia – Building surface in square metres

  • centr_lat – Latitude of the centroid of the building

  • centr_long – Longitude of the centroid of the building

  • bubd_geojson – Building outline in GEOJSON format


The method does not return any values


Method that represents an objects in a class “BDOT10K” as a string

Return type:



String that represents objects of the class “BDOT10K”

class db_classes.PRG(wojewodztwo, powiat, gmina, miejscowosc, miejscowosc2, ulica, numer, kod_pocztowy, status, szerokosc, dlugosc, zrodlo, czy_poprawny, odleglosc_od_gminy, bdot10_bubd_id, odleglosc_od_budynku, kod_sektora, dodatkowy_opis)

Bases: Base

Class that defines columns of “PRG_TABLE”

__init__(wojewodztwo, powiat, gmina, miejscowosc, miejscowosc2, ulica, numer, kod_pocztowy, status, szerokosc, dlugosc, zrodlo, czy_poprawny, odleglosc_od_gminy, bdot10_bubd_id, odleglosc_od_budynku, kod_sektora, dodatkowy_opis)

Method that creates objects from a class “PRG”

  • wojewodztwo – Name of the province in which the address point is located

  • powiat – Name of the county in which the address point is located

  • gmina – Name of the municipality in which the address point is located

  • miejscowosc – Name of the town in which the address point is located

  • miejscowosc2 – Additional name of the town where the address point is located

  • ulica – Name of the street in which the address point is located

  • numer – Number of the building in which the address point is located

  • kod_pocztowy – Postcode where the address point is located

  • status – Status of a given address point

  • szerokosc – Longitude of a given address point

  • dlugosc – Latitude of a given address point

  • zrodlo – Source of data from which information on a given address point is derived

  • czy_poprawny – Flag indicating whether an address point is correct

  • odleglosc_od_gminy – The distance of a given point from the contour of its municipality (in meters)

  • bdot10_bubd_id – D of the nearest building in the BDOT10k database

  • odleglosc_od_budynku – Distance of a given address point from the nearest building

  • kod_sektora – Code of the sector in which given point is located

  • dodatkowy_opis – Additional description of the address point


The method does not return any values


Method that represents an objects in a class “PRG” as a string

Return type:



String that represents objects of the class “PRG”

class db_classes.RegJSON(json_name, json_teryt, json_shape)

Bases: Base

Class that defines regional JSON files

__init__(json_name, json_teryt, json_shape)

Method that creates objects from a class “RegJSON”

  • json_name – Name of the reginal JSON file

  • json_teryt – TERYT code of the reginal JSON file

  • json_shape – JSON shape of region


The method does not return any values


Method that represents an objects in a class “RegJSON” as a string

Return type:



String that represents objects of the class “RegJSON”

class db_classes.TerytCodes(teryt_name, teryt_code)

Bases: Base

Class that defines TERYT codes

__init__(teryt_name, teryt_code)

Method that creates objects from a class “TerytCodes”

  • teryt_name – TERYT name

  • teryt_code – TERYT code


The method does not return any values


Method that represents an objects in a class “TerytCodes” as a string

Return type:



String that represents objects of the class “TerytCodes”

class db_classes.UniqPhrs(uniq_phrs)

Bases: Base

Class that defines unique phrases


Method that creates objects from a class “UniqPhrs”


uniq_phrs – String containing unique street addresses in Poland


The method does not return any values


Method that represents an objects in a class “UniqPhrs” as a string

Return type:



String that represents objects of the class “UniqPhrs”